BENEFITS: Reduction of symptoms of the following but not limited to…
Insomnia/Sleep Disorders
Emotional & Physical Stress
Digestive Disorders
Skin Disorders
Fertility/Hormonal Imbalances
Muscular Skeletal Imbalances
Immune Deficiencies
Pediatric Imbalances
A private treatment with constitutional acupuncture, diet & lifestyle therapy, and herbal consult if needed and interested. The initial appointment is 2 hours and subsequent treatments are 1 hour each. The needles are retained for 20-50 minutes depending on the person. The amount of needles and total treatments needed varies from patient to patient. The more the patient is compliant, the more effective the treatments are. Compliance is the key to maximize success.

Facial Rejuvenation
- Reduces symptoms of Bells’ Palsy
- Reduces symptoms of TMJ
- Reduces sagging tendencies
- Firms bags around neck & eyes
- Reduces double chins
- Increases local blood circulation
- Increases local lymph circulation
- Restore drooping eyelids & mouth
- Eliminate fine lines
- Diminish larger wrinkles
- Tightens pores, brightens eyes
- Improves facial color
- Helps menopause & peri-menopause
- PMS & other gynecological imbalances
- Improves digestion & elimination
- Helps depression & reduces stress
- Improves sleep, decreases insomnia
- Retards hair loss & hair graying
- Increase overall health & well being

A private treatment with constitutional acupuncture and facial acupuncture, five different Chinese organic herbal facial products from Mary Elizabeth Wakefield’s Chi-akra product line, diet & lifestyle therapy, and herbal consult if needed and interested. The initial appointment is 2 hours and subsequent treatments are 1.5 hours each. The needles are retained for 20-40 minutes depending on the person. The amount of needles and total treatments needed varies from patient to patient but is more than a regular acupuncture treatment. This is why the patient must be strong and in good health to do the series. They are done in a series of 10-15 treatments, once to twice a week. Smokers and “saggers” may need 20 treatments. The effects last for 2- 3 years with regular maintenance treatments monthly or seasonally. The more the patient is compliant, the more effective and longer-lasting the results are. Compliance is the key to maximize success.
Bleeding problems
Bruises excessively
Pituitary tumors
High blood pressure
Diabetes Mellitus
Seizure disorders
Severe dizziness or vertigo
Serious health condition: cancer, AIDS, acute Hepatitis, coronary artery disease
Recent cosmetic surgery (wait 6 months)
Cold or Flu
Acute oral herpes outbreak
Acute allergic reaction
If you are taking medication for migraines or hypertension then you have that contraindication. When you are healthy enough to no longer need the medication then you may be healthy enough to receive the treatments. Never stop taking ANY prescribed medication without your doctor's supervision.
Group 1/2 Price Acupuncture
Community style acupuncture is done in a group setting in a comfortable reclining chair. Needles are retained for up to 50 minutes. The patient tells the acupuncturist when they are done. Some prefer the energy of receiving treatment in a group. This allows for more people to afford more treatments. The time and space do not allow for long intakes. Serious and complicated conditions may be referred to private treatment or other modalities. Join us at the Wellness Clinic to experience this type of treatment.