
Healthy Success
Sickness, pain, and disease are the body’s way of communicating it has an imbalance. Acupuncture and Oriental medicine address these symptoms and the root cause of these symptoms. It can treat the whole body, whole problem, root, and branch. An acupuncture treatment or a dose of herbal medicine will show the body what balance feels like. How long the body can maintain this balance depends entirely on the compliance of the patient. This accounts for the differences in treatment outcomes. When the cause of the root imbalance is unchanged, the problem may keep reappearing in different ways.
We are our own greatest healers. My mission is to help ignite the light within for the desire to heal oneself. This is done through acupuncture treatments, herbal formulas, lifestyle & diet therapy, and the integration of Eastern & Western medicine. I look forward to sharing this amazing medicine with those who are ready to experience it. If you are interested in healing your imbalances and relieving symptoms, please join me to work toward your healthy success.
Coreen is a miracle worker. I’ve been seeing her off and on for a couple of years and always highly recommend her to friends. She is incredibly knowledgeable, skilled, and thorough. I was sick about 50% of the time over a period of six months with cough, cold, flu, sinus infection, and sore throat. This was super unusual for me as someone who normally goes years without being sick at all. After my first visit to Coreen about this recurrence of illness, I did not get sick again and it has now been nearly six months of good health. I continued to see Coreen and gained back my normal energy level as well as obviously improved health in many ways. Coreen is kind, compassionate, and genuinely cares about the well-being of her patients. It is so inspiring to find a health care practitioner who is so passionate about what she does.
– Jenna B.
I have received many different acupuncture sessions in my life, and a few things really stand out about Coreen’s work. I feel completely listened to every time I receive her acupuncture. She’s always looking for direct feedback to ensure that her methods are effective, and has the best needling technique I’ve ever experienced. During the session, I experience very deep relaxation and euphoria. Afterward, I feel an ongoing and marked sense of calm that lasts throughout my day. My sleep the night of a session is uninterrupted and rejuvenating, and I usually feel quite energetic the day after her treatments. Coreen helped me tremendously this summer as I was recovering from a knee injury, effectively reducing local pain and inflammation and speeding up the overall healing process. I feel lucky to be in her care!
— Samantha Keller
COREEN, YOU ARE BY FAR THE BEST CHOICE…. As you know I interviewed 3 other practitioners and not only are you the BEST in your field, you have the heart of a true friend and the touch of the mother of a newborn that you encompass in your daily routine! You have not only made a difference in the areas you have treated with acupuncture, but you have also helped in “centering” me and have helped work me through life issues. You are truly the best at what you do and it’s not “Just acupuncture” YOU are the COMPLETE package, in every area you have touched and healed me and continue to do so with my life and being. If I throw a curveball you hit it out of the park…. and I’m sure there will be many curves to come.
— Chuck Wheeler
If you have an issue with your health, go see Coreen. You will experience a deep caring and an incredible amount of knowledge. You will feel better right away. It’s true. This has been my experience and the experience of everyone I know that goes to her. Whenever someone tells me something is wrong I say, “Go see Coreen.”
— Yanesh
Coreen is a gifted healer, diagnostician, and Chinese herbalist. When I came to my first appointment, I had a variety of lingering flu-like symptoms and extreme fatigue. Coreen spent time with me discussing my experiences and gathering a variety of diagnostic information. Unlike the Western doctors I had consulted, she was able to explain the relationship between my all symptoms in a real and meaningful way, Her first session provided immediate relief and I have continued treatments to address my underlying chronic condition. After each treatment I feel all stress & tension go away, I’m more energized and alive. Thanks to Coreen and acupuncture, I am experiencing a state of wellness in my life that is a real gift.
— Tamara Murry
I got introduced to Coreen’s work in November of 2013, I was exhausted physically and in a state of complete burnout. Through her treatments and recommendations on health and Chinese herbs, I was able to return to full health. She is one of the most genuinely caring practitioners I have had the pleasure to work with and brings an amazing service to our community through her individual services and community acupuncture clinics, giving access to acupuncture for those of all income levels, I would highly recommend her. Thank you Coreen for all that you do.
— Helen Attridge, President of Academy of Leadership Coaching & NLP, Grass Valley, CA
Loved it! It felt like the right avenue for me and still does. I feel like my issues were addressed well and I felt good results in my body. I would like to continue on this path with you. I look forward to dropping in again very soon as I feel you have a gift, and I have shared this with a few friends. Thanks again and see you soon.
— Mary Beth Rich
Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture Testimonial:
I have been receiving Coreen’s acupuncture treatments for 1 year and facial rejuvenation therapy for about 6 months or longer and I am ecstatic at the results. I trained as a beauty therapist in my younger years so I had certain views about wrinkles and aging. I never thought wrinkles/ lines on the face could disappear without the use of either Botox or dermal fillers. I had deep creases that ran from my nose to my mouth. They really bothered me, felt I looked sad so I tried a dermal filler three years ago. I didn’t want to continue in this direction because it didn’t fit with my beliefs about health and well being. Now I have no deep creases on my face. I have seen how they have literally separated and gone into faint smile lines. I have also noticed that one side of my face always seemed droopier than the other especially around the eye. Now my face looks balanced, my right eye and brow no longer droop. The furrows between my brows are gone, and I have noticed that my tone and color of my skin are so even and vibrant. Recently we are working on my jowl line and I am noticing my double chin is tightening and lifting. I am incredibly happy when I look at myself in the mirror, it’s truly wonderful. I feel so good about myself because my whole well-being and health is benefiting greatly from the whole process. Coreen’s attention and love for what she gives is an absolute gift and blessing. I highly recommend this course for men and women. Thank you so much, big appreciation.
— Fiona Gardner